Featured Stories

  • Carrie, her partner, and child are smiling and facing the camera.

    Parenting Without Pity

    Parenting Without Pity Parenting Without Pity is a storytelling project where disabled parents draw from our own experiences of disability to help parents be better allies for their disabled children. In the series, we ask disabled parents about their own childhoods and what they wish their parents would have known. We also ask how they identify…

Featured Documentary

The Right to be Rescued

The Right to be Rescued


The Right to be Rescued is a short documentary that tells the stories of people with disabilities affected by Hurricane Katrina. Released days before the 10th anniversary of the storm, our goal is to make emergency planners aware of the specific needs of people with disabilities and push them to alter their disaster plans to make sure those needs are met.

Featured Topics


We often hear about policies that impact the disability community in broad, sweeping terms. But the reality is that policies have real impacts on real people. Stay up-to-date on key policy issues that are important to the disability community


Health and healthcare are at the forefront of disability rights issues. In these pieces, you’ll find insights on topics ranging from insurance and the need for systemic change within medical institutions, to the importance of self-care for your physical and mental well-being.

Activism and Advocacy

Educating the world about disability is how we make progress toward change. Take some time to learn about the advocacy issues that matter most to the disability community, the different approaches to activism, and what issues drive activists to continue fighting.


These posts highlight the intersections of LGBTQIA+ and disability identity through authentic narratives and reporting.